Tag: 100% accurate forex trading history
The major central banks have met, and not one felt it incumbent upon them to take fresh policy action. Despite some dramatic intraday swings and close scrutiny, the euro-dollar exchange rate continues to be mainly in a $1.17-$1.19 trading range that has dominated since the end of July. All the commotion about the rapid rise […]
AstraZeneca’s renewal of its coronavirus vaccine test is contributing to a better market mood, favorable for stocks and weighing on the dollar. Japan will have a new prime minister and the UK parliament will debate the controversial internal market bill today, aggravating relations with the EU. Below are thumbnail sketches of the events and data […]
2020 has only just started but oddly enough, has already witnessed the worst of market scenarios and global economic paralysis. Despite the massive economic fall and unpredictable markets due to the present situation, COVID19, the commodities have fallen radically even in an uncertain market. As many would have guessed that metals would have risen and [...]
Wouldn't it be great to have a robot trade on your behalf and earn guaranteed profits? It's a dream of many to find the perfect computerised trading system for automated trading that guarantees profits! RvR Forex Trading Robot is your trading partner who is intelligent, not exposed to emotions, logical, always looking for profitable trades, [...]